In his position behind, Murray was sailing downwind in a different breeze and a slower point of sail.
If the boat is sailing downwind at the time, it has to wait until it's sailing upwind again.
Run is used in the sense of "to sail downwind".
Used when sailing downwind, it is a cross between a genoa and a spinnaker.
That's because many of them only know down East, which is a New England expression that refers to sailing downwind.
Before the big bang we were sailing downwind in 30 to 35 knots of wind and 10-foot waves.
Unlike most modern racing boats, it does not use a spinnaker when sailing downwind.
When we're sailing downwind, the wind is simply pushing the boat forward and there's no sideways force, so we don't need the daggerboard.
Conner lost 25 seconds to Koch on the next leg, sailed downwind, but later gained it back.
They sailed well to windward and could sail downwind.