If his response is negative, then I am ordered to sail immediately for home.
The dispatches arrived in the morning three days later and Weazle sailed immediately.
Whatever the reasons, he immediately sailed for Tauranga with his entire reserve, bringing the garrison up to 1700 men.
I sailed immediately for Bermuda, arriving there on the 4th of April.
He sailed immediately for home, only four days before a Dutch fleet arrived looking to apprehend him.
She immediately sailed towards them and after a two-hour running fight was able to capture one.
The 688-class attack submarine sailed immediately and was back underwater before the sun rose.
He immediately sailed there, arriving on the morning of 6 June.
But if I find that his ironclad is needed in the north he must be prepared to sail immediately.
Three days later, she was ordered to sail immediately for the Palaus.