Was the first to sail north of 88 N latitude.
Two years later three British ships sailed north of Norway and into the Barents Sea, where they were scattered in a storm.
"Do I sail north of the Moonshaes, or south?"
In late January 1863, after 13 months of duty, Restless sailed north for docking and repairs.
They always showed a considerable westing when I knew that we had been sailing due north.
Bartlett took a ship and was the first person to sail north of 88 N.
Toward sunset the wind returned, but from a different quarter; the captain put the ship on a starboard tack, to sail almost due north.
Chauncey, continuing to screen the same carrier force, now sailed north to begin the preassault air strikes on Tarawa, 18, 19, and 20 November.
The ship left on October 1, again attempting to sail further north of Spitsbergen.