"Where do we sail this time?"
Fanshaw sailed to North America in April 1776, but returned the following year where she was again fitted out, this time at Plymouth.
Peter Isler, an America's Cup veteran who sailed this time for Dennis Conner, said sailors today "are living in the rigs."
After returning to New York, Haines again sailed for the Mediterranean on 30 June 1944, this time with a carrier task group.
Get out in the field and see how close to the wind you can sail this time.
In 1990 McClean sailed the Atlantic again, this time in a 37 ft boat shaped like a bottle which he had constructed himself.
The squadron again sailed on 8 October 1812, this time from Boston.
They sailed first to the west, then north, this time to Messilia in Gaul, where he had first enlisted as a boy in the legions.
Coelho again sailed from Lisbon on 10 May 1503, this time with a fleet of six sail.
In 1610 he again sailed to the island for sealing, this time as commander of the Lioness.