Finally the fleet reached the beaches, and sailors dragged each vessel onto the sand, beyond the reach of the highest tide.
The sailor seized him by the arm and dragged him roughly to the foot of the companion.
Meanwhile, a sailor ogles Lilli in her bath and drags her back to the house.
He watched as two sailors dragged a third between them out of the superstructure and laid him on the tilting deck.
The sailors dragged their comrades' bodies over the deck and down into the hold, knowing that they would be on dry land by the end of the day.
The young sailor moved to the side of the beached rowboat, tore Dunkin's hands free of the rail and dragged the man onto the sand.
Before she could decide what to say, Daniel walked over to the line of Kostromans his sailors had dragged out of the warehouse.
There were whispered commands as the sailors jumped into the knee-high surf and dragged the boats farther up onto the beach.
And the sailor, seizing Herbert by the arm, dragged him behind a rock, just as a magnificent animal showed itself at the entrance of the cavern.
They lifted it; the sailor who'd cut Ilna loose dragged her toward the opening like a sack of millet.