The eries on the bank redoubled, Imhotep waved a welcoming hand, the sailors were heaving and pulling on the halyards.
In the second dog-watch the sailors come on deck, stripped, and heave buckets of water upon one another from overside.
The ground dropped away below him with the magical elongation of the trunk, as if he were riding a sling beside some tall ship's mast and twenty hearty sailors were heaving energetically on the rope.
The sailors clustered around the prow were heaving her seaward.
On the 28th, she shifted to the Ammunition Depot at Fort Lafayette, and there took on board four Mark I depth charges, the most primitive type, which required no fixed launcher - only a strong sailor to heave it over the side.
The anchor windlass rattled around as the sailors heaved furiously on it.
Panic-stricken, the sailors heaved his corpse aside.
Three sailors heaved the fat spherical creature out of the water, and dumped it dripping on the deck.
A sailor coiling a line on the deck nearby heaved a loud sigh of relief.
I escaped upon a butt of sack which the sailors heaved o'erboard, by this bottle; which I made of the bark of a tree with mine own hands since I was cast ashore.