All three sailors played prominent roles in the San Francisco-based America One challenge in the last Cup.
A young private is credited with intercepting some vital information which his superiors dismiss; other sailors play baseball or attend religious services.
"This helps establish a new sport in which a sailor with professional ability can play and hopefully make a living."
Dead American sailors don't play xvell politically.
All the tension was gone from them; the sailors played about the deck like wild, strong children-for there is young happiness in the trade wind.
However, Read also feels that, in the Hauraki Gulf's fluky winds and challenging currents, the sailors play as big a role as the boats.
Gusev raised his head, listened, and saw that the two soldiers and the sailor were playing cards again; Pavel Ivanitch was sitting up moving his lips.
The coffin had been covered with a candlewick bedspread, and the sailors played poker on it for most of the trip.
The sailors at their leisure times played football among themselves and sometimes with a select side of the indigenous people.
Woods watched the sailors disembark from the boat, most staggering, as a sailor played the line in and out to match the boat's rise and fall with the waves.