He said several sailors suffered "bad head wounds," and men in the engine room smashed against "lots of metal and sharp edges."
Ten sailors were killed in the incident and 49 people suffered radiation injuries.
The sailors who obeyed his orders and took part in the attempt to restore monarchy suffered cruelly.
After the photo was published and the North Korean guards realized they'd been had, the sailors suffered a week of particularly brutal torture.
Those sailors and others who couldn't get fresh fruits and vegetables suffered bleeding under the skin, ulcers and joint weakness.
Two sailors suffered minor injuries and a third incurred a head wound.
The sailors had suffered throughout their internment, and after several attempts to escape were put in cages where several died of exposure.
There he finds out the mob used boiling hot tar and the sailor suffered severe skin burns, made even worse by a looming infection.
In the incident today, seven sailors suffered burns, and one was hospitalized in Bahrain, the Pentagon said late this afternoon.
Nine sailors suffer smoke inhalation; four of the nine are treated for minor burns.