Accustomed to selling toasters and insurance policies, they naturally had a difficult time understanding how a long collection of ones and zeroes could constitute a salable product.
But if you can integrate a browser into the OS and thereby imbue both of them with new features, you have a salable product.
Ten year tax moratorium on salable products from space (instantly extended to 2000A.
Ten year tax moratorium on salable products from space (instantly extended to 2000 A. D.).
"She understood military history and was interested in having a salable product," he said.
It is this kind of class that Mr. Levine hopes to parlay into salable products.
Most new-product development relies now on existing technologies, an approach that has not yet slowed the flow of new salable products.
Raw natural gas out of a well is usually not a salable product but a mix of various hydro-carbonic gases with other gases, liquids and solid contaminants.
The final salable products will be mainly scrap metal, wood chips and stone and concrete particles, which can be sold as landfill or road pavement base.
Microsoft hopes to translate scientific research into salable products more readily than many of the largest computer and electronics companies.