The 530 salaried doctors who work here, and offer care through a prepaid insurance plan, do receive prodding from above.
A few local authorities established school treatment clinics staffed by salaried doctors.
As a salaried doctor, Klass is protected from this possibility and should be grateful she can address a patient with her medical expertise unencumbered.
We have full-time, salaried doctors who are as well qualified or more so than anybody out there.
Under current labor law, only salaried doctors can unionize.
For the association to begin an aggressive unionization drive among salaried doctors breaks no new ground.
Expanding local services, the hospital hired salaried doctors to operate primary care centers around the county.
Kaiser's salaried doctors get credits for messaging, adding to their pay.
The logical solution has been the traditional health maintenance organization, where salaried doctors receive per capita payments to discourage overuse of services.
Humana has dismissed 4 pediatricians and 2 ophthalmologists from among the 89 salaried doctors at its 7 clinics here.