I live in Europe and see no retreat from total health care coverage - meaning that monthly salary deductions cover all medical expenses.
This can be paid by salary deduction or through the contributors own bank account.
Under the 1993 law that capped salary deductions at $1 million a year, the companies would have lost any chance to claim the deductions if they had paid out more than that.
Residents contribute to a National Health Insurance Plan through salary deduction and nominal user fees.
The fund, which raised money through salary deductions of $1 per month from teachers, aides and clerks, was also never legally registered with the state's Election Law Enforcement Commission, the report said.
Through a pretax salary deduction, employees can have up to $105 a month withheld to pay for subway, bus, train or ferry fares.
It evaluates its employees four times a year and can provide financial incentives as well as disciplinary actions such as delays in salary increases or even salary deductions.
In addition, if all goes well after two or three years, the owner should arrange to let the new manager buy 10 percent of the company at the lowest reasonable price, perhaps through salary deductions or low-interest loans.
These convicted traffickers had forced 15 Filipinas and 9 Chinese waitresses into prostitution, subjecting them to food deprivation, confinement, and illegal salary deductions.
The loans were generally repaid by salary deductions, so many companies restricted them to current employees, said Harry Gross, a partner in Kwasha Lipton, another employee benefits consulting firm.