The 4,500 sale catalogs, at $40 each, sold out, and collectors scurried around the auction house trying to get their hands on copies.
She'd stopped by the mailbox on the way, but there was nothing but a new Spiegel's sale catalog, three bills, and a postcard.
Allan was somewhere in the room right now, sale catalog open as he perused potential purchases.
"The Reader," an 1877 portrait of a girl reading, was the cover art for last night's sale catalog.
Ms. Doyle would not divulge the minimum bid requirement; the sale catalog listed it at about $70,000.
It first received its title The Shrimp Girl in a Christie's sale catalog.
The sculpture, depicting a nude woman with crossed legs, was the cover art for the sale catalog; it was being sold by an unidentified American collector.
You had to have a sale catalog to get a seat, and the catalogs cost five dollars.
"Dancer" (circa 1885-90), the cover art of the sale catalog, depicts a single dancer about to take her bow.
Stern recalls that, "CPL started out as Bob's sale catalog.