A sale notice produced in 1874 in preparation for an auction of the quarry and plant claimed that development work at Rhosydd had cost £150,000.
Her company's home page at www.expedia.com posted a "big sale" notice on Aug. 3, with samples also on the front page.
Two Collies Jock and Lucy; and Best friends, two spaniels (Christie's - sale notice)
Kittens (Christie's - sale notice)
Sellers post short sale notices (140 characters) along with a mobile phone number.
"The land is fertile, partly wooded and well watered," Mr. Thomson wrote in a sale notice for his land and buildings in 1825.
The sale notice suggests that the house would not remain intact; it is not clear when the house was demolished.
Even after sale notice, Project MyWorlds official website went down in late 2010.
I even persuaded my half- brother to let me write the words in his sale notice that would bring that King to Landover.
The earliest firm reference for the mill is 1796, this from a sale notice in 1808.