In addition, it banned the commercial sale and private import of firearms and ammunition, following a public consultation showing strong support for the measure.
It would also ban the sale of armor-piercing ammunition and prohibit the export of the weapons to civilians.
Gun laws in the United States regulate the sale, possession, and use of firearms and ammunition.
Chicago has since banned the sale of ammunition.
Taking effect on 1 July 2009 if successful, the bill would limit the sale of ammunition to no more than 50 rounds per month per person.
"We shouldn't be leasing or renting our property for the sale of guns or ammunition of any kind."
As relations with the Seminoles deteriorated, Thompson forbade the sale of guns and ammunition to them.
This law also prohibited the sale or gift of a firearm or ammunition to such a person.
Ban the exhibit and/or sale of firearms and ammunition in malls and other public places.
For example, Washington can limit the sale of spare parts and ammunition for the F-15's and thus control their use, if need be.