Still, the sale of the government's stake would depend on the price.
Schwab expects to record a small gain on the sale of its stake when the transaction is completed this summer.
The agreement would also lapse if the trust fails to win the necessary court approval in Britain for the sale of its stake.
Mr. Bollore lost, but not before pocketing $215 million from the sale of his stake.
GE will also reserve the right to force the sale of their stake within the first seven years.
Industry experts say the most likely outcome is the sale of Sprint's stake in Intelig.
Centerior Energy announced a refinancing program that would include the sale of its stake in two nuclear plants.
Coca-Cola said the sale of its stake would raise $955 million, which it would use to reduce short-term debt.
The commission said it was also seeking views as to whether any other measures might be needed to make any sale of Sky's stake effective.
Dow Jones made several hundred million dollars in profits from the sale of its stake several years ago.