Total sales leaped 21 percent while same-store sales grew 8 percent in July.
Mitsubishi said sales of heavy machinery leapt six percent to 828 billion yen.
Weeks later, however, Hombres G broke into the mainstream and sales of the album leaped.
As a result, sales leapt from $18 million in 1950 to more than $45 million in 1957.
According to Gossard, sales of suspenders have leapt 65 per cent in the past year.
Burberry performed particularly well in China, where comparable sales leapt by more than 30%.
Japanese retail sales leapt 7.5% in the 12 months to September.
The more than 300 distributors experienced huge sales leaps each year, despite minimal support or direction from Snapple.
Mitsubishi's American sales have leaped 81 percent in the last four years, including a 7 percent gain last year, to 345,111.
While other living room furnishings just sit there, sales of multiseat motion furniture leaped 85 percent from 1990 to 1996.