He declined to say what the target is, but said he soon expects sales to match the $680 million booked for the 1996 Atlanta Summer Games.
Annual sales of six billion packs in the United States nearly match the sales of the next five brands combined.
Like so many big-sellers, though, it was pirated and sales of the unauthorized editions matched or surpassed those of the authorized.
Security Dynamics fell nearly 37 percent after the computer security software concern said first-quarter earnings will fall short because sales did not match forecasts.
This album fared better commercially, but sales still never matched the wide acclaim.
John Hiatt's sales have never quite matched his reputation.
Results Disappointing So far this year, sales have not matched Detroit's production plans, leading manufacturers to offer heavier discounts.
However the sales of Bobby didn't match its predecessor.
But it expects the overseas sales to match the domestic sales by 1992.
Despite the technical quality, sales of the games never really matched expectations and by the end of 1994 the developers had left and the company eventually closed.