Companies begin doing this when shipments and sales aren't meeting estimates, and they don't want anyone to know that.
Several young companies have gone out of business or been acquired for a pittance after sales did not meet expectations.
Unfortunately, sales did not meet the hype, and Ambitious!
However sales for both titles did not meet expectations.
The album's sales did not meet the expectations of the label, and the group were to be dropped.
At the time of the announcement, output and sales had already met or exceeded levels achieved before the recession began.
It was withdrawn from the market in 1982 because sales did not meet expectations.
The factory initially planned to build 2,000 per year, but relocated to England in 2012 after sales did not meet production targets.
An informal survey of dealers showed that sales have been meeting or exceeding projections.
Still, sales at stores open at least a year did not meet expectations.