The song only stayed at the top spot for a week but sales still proved strong after it fell from number 1.
By 1987, the band had also dropped out of the public eye which album and single sales proved.
Eastern Petrochemical reached commercial production capacity last month, and sales are proving strong.
The sales proved extremely popular and became a biannual event.
However, sales proved to be strong, and by the spring of 1969, there were still waiting lists for the car.
While produce and fresh meats were largely excluded from the early stores, sales proved strong.
Further sales proved more difficult than initially hoped, and there were questions about the company's ability to survive.
Retail sales over the Christmas period proved to be weaker than expected, with an 0.1% increase compared to a 0.2% forecast.
But we still didn't have an answer for the imported car popularity which their increasing sales figures later proved.
The limited-edition label could disappear, though, if sales prove strong enough.