Amazon cited two causes for its sales shortfall.
Intel did not mention what the impact of the sales shortfall would be on its earnings in the third quarter.
"Far and away, both the sales shortfall and the profit shortfall owe more to the product transition than to the general market."
Several securities analysts cut their third-quarter earnings estimates after the company informed them, in response to their questions, of the possible sales shortfall.
This was the last straw after a series of sales shortfalls and earnings disappointments over the last several quarters.
It also said it had sales shortfalls in late March.
Usually at Leewards, a sales shortfall would cause costs to decline, said John Kirkeide, the company's chief financial officer.
An ensuing sales shortfall combined with the hefty expansion spending caused earnings to plummet and put the company in violation of its loan agreements.
It cited sales shortfalls in hardware and software.
In interviews, Mr. Blackley and a Microsoft spokesman said the resignation had nothing to do with the sales shortfall.