Those sales have shown a considerable overall decline since the late 1970s, with a fall of some 30 per cent in value following 1979.
By one industry measure, sales showed their most modest gains since March 1993.
If you're not ready, we'll use our budget in other regions, and your sales numbers will show it at the end of the year.
They said the sales showed that such aspects of the Soviet military were undergoing rapid change.
The instinct of entrepreneurs is not to hire workers until sales show them they should do so.
The strong sales among discount stores show that American shoppers will go out of their way for a deal, some analysts said.
Given the rise in housing starts during May, most analysts had been expecting that sales would show an increase.
He said worldwide sales showed solid unit gains for many products.
"Retail sales have shown no net change since June," he said.
Recent sales show the market is coming alive again and prices are rising, he added.