Coming suddenly from cover, the sallow-faced man had pursued a speedy but dangerous course.
It was inches only from the revolver which the sallow-faced man held.
In the corner was a sallow-faced man holding a small videotape recorder.
There the sallow-faced young man dug into his pocket and produced a few dollars.
A waiter was approaching, so the sallow-faced man picked up a menu and gave his order.
The sallow-faced man paused to light his cigarette, then again followed.
So intent, however, was the sallow-faced man that he paid no attention to anything other than the men just ahead of him.
Together he and Smith dragged the sallow-faced man out onto the street.
The clerk was a sallow-faced man with black eyes and a sly, knowing look.
He was a lean, sallow-faced man with cold black-button eyes.