To assemble the dish, place a 4-inch circle of greens in the centers of four plates and top each with a salmon cake.
Not in the first rank, though, were the bland salmon cakes and the gritty mussel stew.
Fried chicken comes from the deep fryer; so do the salmon cakes.
The following day we had enough fish for salmon cakes, made with sweet corn and chilies.
Children's choices include spaghetti, burger and fries or homemade salmon cakes ($7.40 with dessert).
It also makes a wonderful foil for spicy salmon cakes.
As for the salmon cakes, try making them with fresh salmon.
Other interesting specials include double salmon cakes topped with poached eggs.
"Tell me we're having salmon cakes for lunch and all's forgiven."
Since she didn't seem that interested, he forked up her salmon cake and transferred it to his own plate.