I do not doubt that they could be detected using specialized sample handling, but usually the operator would be reluctant to just inject a halogen gas into the standard instrument.
The disadvantage of the two-step approach is susceptibility to contamination due to more frequent sample handling.
Since the concentration, activity, or chemical speciation of a trace element or isotope can be affected by sampling methods, sample handling, and analytical determinations, GEOTRACES follows the strategy of cruises to occupy a common station along their transects.
Such variations have a multitude of origins, including biological variations, sample handling and analytical accuracy.
Some laboratories use robotic sample handlers (Laboratory automation) to optimize the workflow and reduce contamination risk and sample handling of the staff.
Many laboratory methods exist for identifying pathogens, but most require exquisite care in sample handling and processing prior to characterization of a pathogen.
The closest to modern incarnation of the software is version 3.5, which improved greatly in VST performance and sample handling.
Using this concurrent sampling method, the sample handling is minimized and can provide more accurate results.
For example, the USA has developed a multi-nutrient data quality evaluation system for which five evaluation categories are used including: sampling plan, number of samples, sample handling, analytical method and analytical quality control.
Absolute measures of PGE-2 differed between assays that prevented the pooling of results; relative values may reflect differences in sample handling or assay conditions, or differences in ELISA kits themselves.