In such parallel system, each delay element means a block delay and the clock period is four times the sample period.
There will be a sample period of a month or so, then a subscription fee.
All of the samples taken from the Sample 1 sample period form the input to the first set of filters.
Others, however, stimulated by that sample period, remained active, and the total number of participants increased steadily for the first several million years.
This is especially likely to be the case if the sample period is long.
In the first column in the following table they compute the average unemployment rates over four sample periods.
Overall, the results suggest a weak negative relationship between price volatility and maturity, with the conclusions influenced by the sample period and method of analysis.
My sample period ultimately spanned 9 days, 15 states, 3,650 miles and 42 visits to 35 different restaurants (I hit some more than once).
The sample period was from 1983 to 1988.
This gives you a large out of sample period and allows you to see how stable the system is over time.