The comments book at "La Force de l'Art," albeit hardly a scientific sample, suggested that few visitors had been won over.
The sample includes precise definitions of sexual harassment as well as procedures for reporting incidents and suggested sanctions against the offenders.
But a random sample of students leaving school one recent afternoon suggests that Mr. Sablow has few allies among the students.
But a sample of one or two quickly suggests their function: they can be inserted as grammatical glue without any prior analysis of form.
As his sample of one suggests, most upper-middle-class Chileans do well under the private accounts system.
Initial samples suggest that about 10% of Quarter Horses are carriers.
There is more but just this sample suggests the deep and unintelligible waters it is easy to fall into when trying to be explicit about multimedia.
An early 18-page sample of the prospective new novel suggests a quite different book, about a disgruntled young character named Girl who is fired from a dull job.
The sample, which consisted of 3,560 face-to-face interviews across Russia, suggests that voters are dying to get to the polls and turn the bums out.
This sample suggested that she can translate his verbal imagery into motion.