The sanctions imposed by both countries were lifted when the two nations concluded their first major textile agreement in July of that year.
Of course, society breaks down if rules are not made, and sanctions imposed for breaking those rules.
A legal agreement or sanction imposes approvals, rules, guidelines and penalties on conduct.
The sanctions would impose duties on or ban imports of some or all fish and other wildlife products from Japan.
Why impose sanctions if you are going to run away from the consequences?
Other witnesses said the sanctions would impose tough new pollution-control requirements on businesses seeking to expand or move into the state.
Until then, the sanctions imposed in 1990 and reaffirmed repeatedly since remain in place.
It has also become a key consideration in deliberations over what economic sanctions to seek and when to impose them.
The sanctions would impose a sweeping trade embargo and ban virtually all American business investment there.
In addition, throughout the war period Portugal faced increasing dissent, arms embargoes and other punitive sanctions imposed by most of the international community.