On the other hand, sanctions target to kill or injure infants, children, the elderly, and the chronically ill.
According to the United States, these sanctions target only seven specific businesses owned or controlled by government officials and not ordinary citizens.
He insisted the sanctions did not target the North Korean people, which was a key issue with his delegation.
These new sanctions target 39 people and 141 companies, and include the freezing of assets and travel bans.
Expanded sanctions to target companies that aid Iran's oil and petrochemical industries.
Also, the Prime Minister remarked that these sanctions should target only the military junta, but not impair the population.
These sanctions therefore target the Qaddafi government, while protecting the assets that belong to the people of Libya.
That does not mean, of course, that any sanctions must target the people of North Korea, who have already suffered a great deal.
The sanctions against the Burmese regime must be extended and must target the political elite rather than the population.
The American view is that sanctions should target Iran's energy sector that provides about 80% of government revenues, and try to isolate Iran from the international financial system.