A vinyl-lined pool has a vinyl surface covering a sand base and walls made out of steel, fiberglass, aluminum or pressure-treated wood.
The new turf, common in other ballparks around baseball, is denser and has a sand base, instead of the sand and clay mix under the original grass.
There are sand bases and shoals at mouth and at Bharuch.
The pure sand base will not hold on to nutrients until there is substantial organic matter incorporated into the soil to keep nutrients from leaching.
A. It is best to put down a sand base first; otherwise, the bricks will sink into the soil.
The hill is paved with vitrified bricks which are laid at angles in a sand base.
You would be better off with part of the tank being filtered by undergravel and the other part having a sand base.
It grows in a sand base, which serves as a drainage system for the field.
In 2010, the club switched from a sand base to a concrete base.
A CONCRETE slab rests on a sand base on the ground.