It staggered out, dipping its sharp beak into the soft sand, momentarily trapped.
There also can be a lot of sand trapped in the layers of green.
Mr. Tanski said sand trapped by jetties at Moriches Inlet was also probably a factor in erosion to the west.
All, but Marazion to Penzance, are examples of bay dune systems which develop where there is a limited supply of sand trapped within the shelter of two rocky headlands.
At some shore towns on the southern side of jetties at major inlets - including Belmar, Point Pleasant Beach, and Avalon, south of Atlantic City - the sand trapped by the jetties has created very wide beaches.
At Glen Island we peer through the bars of the revolving gate and my long-term memory hauls up thoughts of grains of sand trapped in prickly wool bathing suits, little rubber slippers and vinegar on sunburned skin.
He said that sand trapped by the inlets, when dredged, was frequently not returned to the beaches but instead placed in upland areas, depriving the shoreline of the sand.