They blame the sanitation authorities for failing to build a proper drainage system and sewage treatment plants and for letting the raw waste of a vast human and animal population indirectly or directly into the bay.
In the case of a sanitation authority, money from a fee for garbage pickup might be collected in addition to the $525 million already provided in the budget for sanitation, or it could replace some portion of that allocation.
Furthermore they comply with the most rigorous international hygiene and sanitation authorities including NSF and ETL.
The Fund would be established under a new water supply and sanitation authority.
Limit the amount of hazardous materials, particularly flammables; to find out how to dispose of them in your community, contact the Fire Department or sanitation authorities.
This revenue would permit the sanitation authority to finance desperately needed new solid-waste disposal facilities, a burden that the city may otherwise be unable to handle.
According to a report, household surveys regularly return lower rural water supply coverage than estimates by the Ministry of Water and Irrigation (which are collected by district water engineers and urban water and sanitation authorities).