He was referring to the narrow sans-serif type that Pakula used for the title credits in "All the President's Men."
The rest of the letters are in a heavy sans-serif type, thought to convey a more industrial quality.
In France it became Egyptienne, and to worsen the confusion, the French called sans-serif type 'Antique'.
At that time, Doric referred to a certain kind of stressed sans-serif types.
(Translation: sans-serif type has none of those squiggly bits at the ends of the letters.)
The name was coined by William Thorowgood, the first person to produce a sans-serif type with lower case, in 1832.
This is an exercise in the Russian revolutionary style - sans-serif type, colors limited to red and black and an atmosphere of high proletarian seriousness.
The look is just this side of generic: Black sans-serif type (Helvetica Neue) against a plain background, white plus one color.
Excoffon's faces, even his most sober, Antique Olive, have an organic vibrancy not found in similar sans-serif types of the period.
Most web pages employ sans-serif type.