Crashing into the restaurant destroyed it permanently (until the program was reloaded) and displayed an amusingly sarcastic message berating the player.
Like Zoo TV, it poked fun at pop culture and was intended to send a sarcastic message to those accusing U2 of commercialism.
And just this once, she'd come in late--and Curtis Slough's secretary was all over her voice mail with progressively sarcastic messages.
Sweet but sarcastic messages of hope adorn colorful shopping bags, old-school exercise books and travel-size notebooks here.
In that sarcastic message, if in nothing else, the demonstrators seemed to speak for California as a whole.
Asked to offer a "nonquote" to insure a trucking company, he fired off a sarcastic e-mail message to a Marsh manager.
He and others were posting other, mostly sarcastic, messages about the rumor at the same time.
Figuring that gushy enthusiasm would not impress harried business people, many employees wore buttons bearing this sarcastic message: "Isn't traveling fun?"
You're ready to share printers, use one PC as a backup disk for another, shoot sarcastic little on-screen messages to each other, and so on.
It has gained attention due to its high profile targets and the sarcastic messages it has posted in the aftermath of its attacks.