Banks was about to make a sarcastic reference to that something being him this time, but he bit his tongue.
Wall Street is, in fact, a frequent object of rather sarcastic reference, applying even to its regular and probably correct methods of banking.
Was it a sarcastic reference by a Royalist to Cromwell's death?
"These ads are sarcastic references to the kind of advertising that is generally done for this kind of car," he said.
During the tongue-in-cheek speech, he made sarcastic references about his need to go to the US for health treatment.
It is also clear that by the early 1950s, the term was already commonly used as a sarcastic reference to the occupants of flying saucers.
He also made a sarcastic reference to one of the lesser recommendations.
The title is a sarcastic reference to the fact that on September 4, 2003 (the day of filming) there was a rainstorm.
And the sarcastic reference to the "great man" is just puerile.
The title is a sarcastic reference to what Costello thought would be the fate of the album.