These being all rejected, I reflected awhile, and sarcastically suggested brickbats at three-quarters of a mile.
He suggested sarcastically that the Rangers could find insurance for all or most of Rodriguez's contract if "you want to pay a 50 percent premium."
Ross sarcastically suggests that he'd like to trade ailments with the old man, who jokingly accepts the trade.
On one, a voice can be heard suggesting sarcastically that the band should release an entire album filled with takes of "Loose".
She then sarcastically suggests Berner "clean his pipes" to help him relax.
In a general meeting she suggested sarcastically that they let the computer make the assignments.
"Maybe they haven't had a chance to repaint it," Riker suggested sarcastically.
"Console herself with somebody else," I suggested sarcastically.
"Maybe he's finally discovered the proof to an ancient mathematical theorem," Dante suggested sarcastically.
Perhaps, she suggests sarcastically, Henry and the boy would feel better if we left them alone!