And there are so many such tie-ins that they create a strong, seemingly sardonic sense of commercial overkill.
He is young, handsome, charming with a pronouncedly sardonic sense of humour.
But while his works often court controversy, they also exhibit a sly, sardonic sense of humor".
It had been hand-printed on rough paper by a man with a sardonic sense of humor.
He was a tall, thin man with a sardonic sense of humour.
He was also reasonable and liberal, with a sardonic sense of humor that prevented his books from ever becoming cloying.
"I had a more subtle, sardonic sense of humor but also, how would you describe it?"
And some turn nasty, but "Go" mostly sustains a nicely sardonic sense of adventure.
Another defense mechanism she'd developed during childhood was a sardonic sense of humor.
His own sardonic sense of humor didn't help on those occasions; he rather enjoyed being intimidating now and again.