And their trailing satellites relayed a detailed analysis of the destruction.
In this case, a high-orbiting satellite received data from Columbia and relayed it to Earth.
The satellite in turn relays the digital information to ground stations called teleports, which in turn are connected to the backbone of the Internet.
The debt-ridden satellite company Aussat, whose satellites relay television and data signals, will also be sold.
The satellite can then relay the signals to rescue units.
No fiber-optic cable ran to these man-empty parts; a satellite relayed.
Boeing's system would use satellites to relay information on a plane's position and its intentions, and thus allow controllers to steer planes closer together.
The satellites will relay the signals to the space shuttle.
The satellite continuously monitored weather events and relayed this meteorological data from over 10,000 surface locations into a central processing center.
The satellites relay the signals to a ground-based central computer, which computes the vehicles' precise location.