He snatched the earl by the back of his green satin coat and dumped him onto the floor.
Sethe wiped the white satin coat from the inside of the pan, brought pillows from the keeping room for the girls' heads.
He's not got the manners of the gentleman in the blue satin coat, but he's got some sort of charm, and you can see with half an eye where he gets that!
A green satin coat sheltered a pink silk jumpsuit for one of the more casual evening outfits.
He wore a full-skirted satin coat of ivory, with lace ruffles of purest white at throat and wrists.
The clothes Lulu designs for the Ultra line include slinky, hand-beaded slip dresses, tiny cardigans, fake fur-trimmed embroidered satin coats and cashmere separates.
A hot-pink satin coat reversing to mink is a typical Scaasi extravaganza.
In muted colors, quilted satin coats and jackets turn up for day.
Stogar's fair coloring and his sky-blue embroidered satin coat, as fine as any Drake master's, went well with his white horse.
His blue satin coat was forty years out-of-date and sadly frayed at the cuffs and elbows.