In this satiric novel, a couple's bitter divorce finds a larger reflection in the post-9/11 world.
What begins as a satiric novel of ideas ends as a surprisingly moving elegy
The satiric dystopian novel has been explained by contrasting universal human needs and oppressive state organization.
But while these characters all seem to belong to a gently satiric novel, Terry, himself, inhabits a different, more solemn fictional world.
He is known for his satiric and humorous novels.
This satiric novel was published only in 1991.
Jeffrey Frank is the master of the satiric novel of company-town Washington bad manners.
Freddy and Fredericka is a 2005 satiric novel by Mark Helprin.
Mosquitoes is a satiric novel by the American author William Faulkner.
Nevertheless, "The Business" is a mildly satiric novel that is both fast-paced and savvy.