Although "The Johnny Show" obviously concerned late-night television, its precise satiric point remained vague.
Songs can still be used to make a satiric point.
But since I didn't want to be didactic, I took a satiric point of view.
Although satiric points are made, no bodily harm is inflicted even on the most uncreative participant.
The plot is not reminiscent of Gilbert's topsy-turvy style, nor is there any obvious satiric point.
But because these different types of movement were not always sharply juxtaposed, the dance's satiric point was blunted.
The Times wrote, "The satiric point disappears in meretricious ado and humourless humour".
The narrator's personal involvement emphasizes his concern for making his satiric points.
It is her dry, intentionally flat delivery that makes the satiric point.
The very pointlessness of such merrymaking becomes the ballet's satiric point.