The subjective well-being index represents the overall satisfaction level as one number.
This year's report shows that satisfaction levels of customers increased from last year with nearly all agencies surveyed.
He characterized this satisfaction level as lower by a couple of points than Carnival's usual.
Individuals who rate their satisfaction level as '1,' by contrast, are unlikely to return.
We have to give each aspect a mark between one and 10, depending on our satisfaction levels.
The satisfaction level of the beneficiary farmers is very high.
Other factors related to satisfaction level included the outcome of the claim (where this was known) and the way examinations were carried out.
In addition, Farmers' satisfaction level was the most improved from 2005 to 2006 among the companies surveyed.
When the parties' expectations match each other, performance is likely to be good and satisfaction levels will be high.
The consumers gave it a satisfaction level of 57 percent.