Unfortunately, when such influences are considered as explanations of the results of free-running experiments, the following problems have never been satisfactorily dealt with.
The reader can only hope that Cooke's noble struggle will be satisfactorily dealt with in the concluding volume.
I hope that the reader will feel that I have satisfactorily dealt with the first.
These satisfactorily dealt with, he went on: "Are you happy, Sappha?
"I've been trying to answer on legal grounds but people are also concerned about appearances and I don't think I've satisfactorily dealt with those."
I don't know whether Mr 's concern to be satisfactorily dealt with by officers.
However, it places player beliefs on decision nodes that enables moves in non-singleton information sets to be dealt more satisfactorily.
Harvey argues that these problems have not been satisfactorily dealt with by modern Christian theologians.
These should be brought up and satisfactorily dealt with on each occasion .
Furthermore, there are a number of other economic issues that are not satisfactorily dealt with in the report.