The carpenter searched for half a day and finally found the lost bean, and the sparrow had a satisfying breakfast that day.
On the whole, however, Ish found it a satisfying breakfast.
How does one find a satisfying breakfast, lunch or other light meal?
A thoroughly satisfying breakfast follows the post-mortem of the exercise, and it is still only 0530 hours!
By the end of his large and satisfying breakfast he was glottal-stopping with the best of them.
After a satisfying but rapid breakfast, followed by a quick check that my beard was firmly in place, I was off to the level meadow behind the castle.
Eat a satisfying but healthy breakfast: fresh fruit, high-fiber cereal, low-fat milk.
One thing is sure: it's the meeting point for expats who are yearning for a satisfying breakfast (muesli!)
It was not a satisfying breakfast, but it cheered her immensely after two days of near-starvation.
A mixture of sociable Germans in their thirties, business travellers and British holidaymakers filling up on a pricey but satisfying breakfast.