The crooks are finally apprehended in a satisfying, albeit predictable manner.
The issues are quite real; we have no solid theory which includes time in a satisfying manner, along with quantum mechanics, as a truly integrated fourth dimension.
Economists have been incapable of incorporating the beliefs of real-world agents into abstractions such as supply and demand curves in a satisfying manner.
The whole assembled skaven host let out a great sigh of wonder and disbelief at seeing their grey seer demonstrating his power in this satisfying manner.
The play is always interesting, and as in all Christie mysteries, good triumphs over evil in a satisfying manner.
It was all done in a businesslike and satisfying manner.
Sure, it follows fairly predictable patterns, but it develops them in a satisfying comedic manner.
The game looked great, the character models are amazing, and the environments crumbled and were blown away in a very satisfying manner.
They were not problem children; lacking extravagant properties leading to misuse, they have developed in a satisfying manner into therapeutically valuable medicines.
He was looking at her in that same very satisfying manner.