One night, sitting up in bed wearing a saucy smile and nothing else, she told Nick that he made her horny.
Unlike most women, she didn't try to maneuver him with crocodile tears or saucy smiles.
That saucy smile boded no good for anyone, especially not him.
She gave him a lingering glance and a saucy smile.
There's no mistaking he's quatity and 1/able to take you to task for your saucy smile.
As Brandy did not reply, Constance shot her a saucy smile and turned to go.
Though she knew the gossips would be fueled for weeks, she gave him a saucy smile.
Leah set her purchases on the bed and tossed him a saucy smile over her shoulder.
"We aim to please," she said with a curving, slightly saucy smile.
He glanced at Colleen, who gave him a saucy smile, but he didn't return it.