At their worst, these dresses made the models look as if they were stuffed in sausage casings.
As it has only eaten milk, the resulting dish is similar to cheese in a sausage casing.
Parts of the intestines are used as sausage casings.
Mom waited to begin her work of assisting in filling the sausage casings.
By changing the hole plate it is also possible to produce breadcrumbs or fill sausage casing.
He had simply remarked that the material could be put to better use as sausage casing.
Orange B (red shade) - allowed only for use in hot dog and sausage casings.
On the wrong body, it can look like sausage casing.
Use the mixture to stuff the sausage casing.
Most modern commercial haggis is prepared in a sausage casing rather than an actual stomach.