At a corner where the restaurant was wide open to the street, I smelled the sauteed shrimp and my stomach churned.
Risotto with chunks of sauteed shrimps and lobster ran a close second.
Combined with fresh or canned tomatoes and stock, it makes a delicious sauce for plain sauteed shrimp.
And a dish called sauteed shrimp with garlic had little going for it but colorful vegetable garnish.
I also liked the simple but invigorating sauteed shrimp with scallions, tomato and basil.
A piquant ancho chili sauce is wonderful with sauteed shrimp.
Jake ordered sauteed shrimp and charbroiled catfish for both of them.
The sauteed shrimp arrived in a small black skillet.
The fried angel hair was a better accompaniment with sauteed shrimp ($7), giving it a nice crunch.
For the recipe here I have used mango to brighten a dish of sauteed shrimp.