His powerful chest still bore the angry scars from the cat's savage combat.
His lawyer won the sympathy of a jury and a judge by presenting Mr. Featherstone as a disturbed Army veteran whose adolescent mind had snapped during savage combat in Vietnam.
Using a whistle to signal the attack, Cole led a bayonet charge that overwhelmed the defenders in savage close combat, for which Cole was later awarded the Medal of Honor.
The savage personal combat, the blood, the contact with the mighty body of the carnivore had stripped from him the last vestige of the thin veneer of civilization.
He had portrayed the contest against Alderman Edward R. Vrdolyak as a grudge match to settle four years of savage political combat with strong racial overtones.
They glared at each other, feigning hatred, as if already in the midst of a savage combat.
Hruggek delights in savage combat, but he believes his people are too small in numbers to make mass warfare practical.
Samnang is an 11-year-old Cambodian peasant who is conscripted into the Khmer Rouge and rises, through brutal training and savage combat, to a position of leadership.
They eventually resolved themselves into hundreds of starships-Cardassian, Romulan, Federation, Klingon-all in savage combat against two fleets she didn't recognize.
Five days of savage combat eliminated the strongly defended Japanese pockets.