As a result of this outstanding victory over a savage enemy, peace is assured in this Territory.
The settlements to the south where we hoped we might find support and supplies are wiped out, destroyed by a savage enemy.
Being camped in a forest barely a mile from their savage enemy was not so very safe at all.
Or rather he could see wraithlike shapes which he knew were more likely to be his imagination than the approach of some savage enemy.
One was his loyalty to the savage enemy who had befriended him and who might still be living.
Never have I destroyed a horde of savage enemies, nor built a noble monument, nor ventured to the far places of the world.
'gradually the rumour everywhere spread that a cruel, savage and foreign enemy had invaded the country'.
He was wounded by a savage enemy.
How many more September 11ths had to happen before the American people realized what a savage enemy they were facing?
Screaming sailors were borne down by savage enemies.