Our cattle and hogs they butchered and destroyed in a most savage wasteful manner.
I warned them that they must pay indemnity for the savage manner in which they burned the homes of peaceful citizens favourable to our cause.
Here his fears were revived, and a nearer survey of savage manners once more shook his resolution.
Unfortunately for the Greeks, setbacks elsewhere forced the Turks to withdraw from the city and reconquer it in a more savage manner in 1430.
When their women reach the age of puberty they circumcise them in the most savage manner.
The realization of danger had been forced upon her in the most savage manner.
Cuellar observed the society, noting that the people lived in a savage manner, but that they were friendly and followed the usages of the church.
The Anthropophagi have the most savage manners of all.
He let others talk, laughed at intervals, silently, in the savage manner of Leather- stocking, or else, he burst out like a bomb, if the sentence pleased him.